I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    1 year ago

    is a mistake has been a major mistake of many leftist movements through history, turning the church and believers into perfect targets for anti-marxist radicalization and conversion.

    This is completely backwards. In places where religious organisations weren’t powerful politically, there was not very much need of oppression or it didn’t mattered very much. Example: China or minor religions in Europe. In places where they were… please enlighten me, how would you deal with entrenched institution like catholic church? By kissing the bishop ring and handing even more privileges? EVERY infringement on their privileges was always treated as attack on faith itself.

    Religion and belief play a major role in Marxism


    and anti-capitalism

    They do. Major? Depending where. In colonized and exploited countries the often do, though even there, they often brings they own deal of problems, just lesser than the imperialism. When imperialism will be defeated those contraditions will resurface, for example: Afghanistan. Also if you look at this, religious movements as antiimperialist gained traction everywhere where the socialists were massacred. And even there, imperialism very often use religion for their purposes, like in entire west Asia. Or Xinjiang. In imperialist countries themsevles, religion either stand hand to hand with imperium or at least reap the rewards of imperialism.

    • QueerCommie
      151 year ago

      I agree, a strong church has never been a good thing. From England to Tibet. But I feel like there is not enough credit for the fact that the first (utopian) communists got their ideas from religion. I do think the vanguard should be athiest, but when there are progressive religious forces—like in current Nicaragua or in the US during the civil rights movement— they should be allied with.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        141 year ago

        that the first (utopian) communists got their ideas from religion.

        More from the primitive pre-class society, but true, some religions preserved those ideas (though that probably means they were super backwards), and this just as all other utopian versions of socialism never spread far or survived long surrounded by the clas societies. And those ideas eventually often morphed into monasticism which was just feudal or slave exploitation sprinkled with the holy water.

        I do think the vanguard should be athiest, but when there are progressive religious forces—like in current Nicaragua or in the US during the civil rights movement— they should be allied with.

        Absolutely, i was never against allying with relatively progressive religious movements, i just vehemently oppose revising the marxist principles in this direction. In the same meaning as famous Lenin analogy about road and swamp.

        • QueerCommie
          71 year ago

          I believe many religions had (some) decent foundations and they lose those once they stop being religions of the oppressed and become religions of oppressors. Take Christianity, in its early days it was radical and anti-colonial, but it was absorbed by Rome and created the Catholic Church. 🤮

      • @linkhidalgogato
        71 year ago

        my problem with presenting the few utopian ideals in modern religion as evidence that its leftist actually is that just about any conclusion can be justified by religious books, sure the first utopians got inspiration and more importantly justification from religion but people got inspiration for anything and everything from religion back then and most of those ideas where horrible(those movements and idea didnt come from religion they came from good people who happen to live in a society which was inundated in religion). besides we have entirely discarded such utopian ideologies and most things spawned from religion for that matter why hang on to it and protect it as if it were more special than any other ideology. i dont want a ban on religon (tho as a product of such bans i cant deny their effectiveness) but im certainly distrustful.

        • QueerCommie
          41 year ago

          I don’t think religion is inherently good, but if there happens to be a progressive religious force support it.

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            71 year ago

            The key question here is “progressive compared to what”, remember that even feudalism was once progressive compared to slavery.

            • QueerCommie
              51 year ago

              Progressive in this case means anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist etc like Malcom X who was based and also Muslim.

              • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
                61 year ago

                A lot of those were basically forced into it by the relentless western attacks. It will be interesting to watch after US hegemony crumble.