I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @TripleZ@lemmy.ml
    381 year ago

    My views regarding prostitution is probably one most people on the left won’t agree with. I do consider sex workers as workers, however, rather than working towards legalising prostitution, we should work towards eliminating the circumstances that force people to turn to prostitution in order to feed themselves. Ideologically, I’m not comfortable with the implications that it commodifies the human body and turns it into nothing more than a tool to be used by others. This is the very view that slave owners had, turning humans into nothing more than property to be used.

    Arguably, it’s the same view that Marx has of prostitution, but somehow it’s not popular in Leftist circles.

    • @freagle
      221 year ago

      This should not be controversial. This is the conclusion arrived at via Marxism and has been for a long time.

    • @sudojonz
      151 year ago

      Also in agreement with you, but dang is it one of the fastest ways to start a heated argument with most leftists these days

    • @linkhidalgogato
      121 year ago

      i agree with your assessment of sex work (tho i wouldnt extend it to the petite bourgeoisie minded cam models) but the reality of the matter is that while capitalism is still around the conditions that lead to sex work will not be abolished and their form of employment being criminalized in the meantime wile we figure this whole revolution shit out is just bad, so i think we should support efforts to decriminalized sex work.