I recently stopped watching porn after doing some reading on proletarian/marxist feminism. This article in particular was really good imo: https://proletarianfeminist.medium.com/a-socialist-feminist-and-transgender-analysis-of-sex-work-b08aaf1ee4ab

I was wondering if anyone else is in a similar boat? Porn is a powerful drug and it can be really difficult to give it up if you’re addicted (which I am unfortunately). Is anyone willing to share their porn-free journey and give some advice and tips?

  • Muad'DibberA
    51 year ago

    Yeah I think so. Not sure why it’d be banned, other than the fact that the book discourages being a part of nofap communities, for various reasons.

    • loathesome dongeater
      71 year ago

      Yeah nofap people are unhinged cranks and refrain from masturbation for weird reasons that I cannot comprehend. So if anything their attitude towards it is a shining endorsement of sorts.

        1 year ago

        Nofap gives you superpowers!1!1!11! /s

        r/pornfree is better for people who are trying to quit tbh