What are comrades doing become more savage? I walked 25ish miles last Saturday and I realized that I would’ve been a casualty statistic on the Long March, or any other revolutionary activity for that matter.

While revolution may not come in our lifetime, we should be prepared, and create good habits for our health and so that we can pass them on to future generations. There are also many other skills besides exercise that promote discipline and will be essential in a revolution. Farming, gunsmithing, first aid, etc. I’d like to hear about the non-fitness skills comrades are working on as well.

A side tangent on the other side of exercise: Food. The capitalists win every time we eat their crap. It’s designed to make us fat, lazy, and addicted. Consuming the toxins they call food makes us weak in body and mind, I believe a huge factor of the modern mental health crisis (and regular health) is our processed diet. Stuff like pasteurization, corn fed animals, and the depletion of nutrients in the soil make even “organic” foods less nutritious than they were 100 years ago. We can’t even begin to talk theory much less free ourselves if our minds are clouded with xenoestrogens and trans fats, and corn syrup.

Lots of scattered ideas sorry, but the food industry gets me riled up lol. Any excersises/skills/inspirational stories for us horizontally challenged comrades? Thanks and good health to all ✊💪

  • @CannotSleep420
    101 year ago

    I am precisely the kind of person called out by this post. I’m fat to the point that even if you used the average amerifat as your standard I’m a hamplanet. I just went for a mile walk this morning and I could already feel my legs getting tired.

    Forget the long march. I need to get in shape for when soft suburbanites like me are required by the communist party to do several years of agricultural labor out in the countryside. Obesity is liberalism of the body.