• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
    7 months ago

    even thoroughly propagandized people like you are gonna have to start engaging with reality sooner or later

    • scofflaw@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      What is going to replace the current world order? Have people stopped using the dollar as the basis for international trade? Is there a better forum than the UN for generating international cooperation and consensus/dispute resolution? Will people get a more fair shake from a dictator-for-life led world order?

      • freagle
        7 months ago

        The UN that votes regularly to condemn the glorification of Nazis and the US consistently votes no? The UN that sent forces to Haiti, after Haiti had been subjugated by the North Atlantic, only to murder, rape, and spread disease? The UN that claims to want to stop all this aggression but is completely and utterly powerless to stop the USA from harassing, murdering, and torturing on every continent? The UN that watched the USA deploy white phosphorous against civilians and did nothing? The UN that agrees Haiti owes a debt to the former slave owners of France for each slave freed? The UN that watched the UK almost gave a financial crisis paying back debts to slave owners but says nothing about reparations to the people of the world who have been enslaved, raped, bred, experimented on, pillaged, and brutally disconnected from their heritage?

        That UN?

        Which dictatorships are you talking about? Cuba, where literacy, maternal survival, and life expectancy are all better than the USA after 60 years of the most brutal unilateral collective punishment the world has ever seen? The same Cuba that produced multiple COVID vaccines at on the same timeline as the USA despite the USA providing private corps with massive windfalls as incentives? That dictatorship? The one with more democracy than you have ever seen in your entire life?

        Or maybe you mean China, where, according to a 15-year study by Harvard, 95% of the population approve of the government of the communist party because it’s responsive to their needs, works hard to promote the interest of the masses, and produces outcomes that the vast majority want. The same China that experienced a USA-led terror campaign in East Turkestan and managed it through a successful deradicalization that didn’t include black sites for torture, rape, and human experimentation, while continuing to support the autonomy and liberation of women, while maintaining one of the highest mosque-per-capita ratio in the world, while maintaining the autonomy of the Uighur cultural government to maintain their autonomous region within China. Where the native languages of their 57 different ethnic groups are all practiced, taught, and used and not a single one is at risk of extermination like in the USA? That dictatorship?

        Or maybe you mean the DPRK which is recovering from the mass bombing of its entire society by the USA, so much so that the USA airmen said their were no more targets to even drop bombs on, where the amount of napalm in the air forced the Koreans to live in caves. The DPRK that knows exactly how brutal Western countries are, suffering under brutal collective punishment after the mass bombing campaign. The DPRK that, despite all of the propaganda for being a military dictatorship has a military budget smaller than the NYC police department. The DPRK that managed to balance rebuilding their nation from literally universal rubble, where land mines and unexploded ordinance killed so many after the war, and created a healthy society that can meet the needs of its people while also creating the necessary military deterrents to protect their autonomy. That dictatorship?

        And speaking of the DPRK, let’s go back to the UN. That UN watches the USA bring nuclear armed submarines to port in Korea and then launch a massive “military exercise” and does nothing. Do you know what that exercise looks like? It looks like an actual invasion force, complete with bombers flying straight at key strategic targets in DPRK and turning away from the border at the last possible second. They do this regularly. There is no difference between an exercise and an invasion except an order from command. And the DPRK has to spend so much of its scarce resources ensuring that it is ready for every single exercise potentially becoming an invasion. And the UN thinks this is just “the rules based order”.

        The USA has never held it’s power because it was aligned with what people wanted. It has always been a brutal, rapacious, violent, psychotic bully and the three types of relationships it has are hangers-on like Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, the dominated like Africa, South America, and The Philippines, and the resisting like China, Russia, Iran. There are no relationships the USA has based on peace, respect, or human dignity. Hangers-on hang on for the hyper profits. The dominated play politics to avoid being murdered and occupied. The resisting are all trying to figure out some path out from under the American boot, which is the boot the USA inherited from Spain, France, Portugal, and The Netherlands. No one has ever figured out how to end this 600-year reign of terror, so each resistor looks completely different because they are literally live experiments in their unique contexts fighting to survive against the most extreme conditions imposed in them by the USA and their North Atlantic hangers-on.

        Maybe we’ll live to see the day the USA loses it’s position of dominance. We can all hope so. But to position it as America versus dictatorship is to reveal yourself as among the most propagandized people in the world.

        • scofflaw@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          I appreciate the time you took to write this long response, and I understand that you are not a fan of US foreign policy or the current world order. However most of what you wrote is largely unresponsive to my questions. There is a lot of inertia behind the current system and saying it’s “crumbling” is a gross overstatement.

          • freagle
            7 months ago

            Half of the governors in the USA support Abbot’s position that Texas can use their state militia against the USA national guard.

            Women’s health is under attack through a massive cascade of judges throughout the country.

            Lake Meade and Lake Powell are at catastrophically low levels and may never recover.

            The capital of the USA was invaded by fascists and very little has been done about it.

            Police are continuing to kill more and more people every year.

            School shootings are on a continual rise.

            Mass shootings are on a continuous rise.

            Life expectancy in the USA is dropping as fast as it did in Russia under Western economic shock therapy.

            Russia is outproducing the entire West in artillery shells.

            China is dominating over 75% of all high tech domains.

            Africa is incrementally pushing out Western influence.

            The USA does not have hypersonics and does not have a counter to hypersonics. Meanwhile Iran has sold hypersonics to Venezuela.

            China is building infrastructure all over the world and doing so on better terms than the USA-backed austerity organizations (WTO, IMF, World Bank).

            German industry is in decline especially after the USA destroyed Nord Stream 2.

            USA military intelligence has failed to maintain it’s foothold in China. It seems likely based on world events that it is also losing its control over its former African and West Asian strongholds.

            The USA lost in Afghanistan. It won in Iraq but is being pushed out incrementally. It has failed to cause regime change in Korea, Cuba, Russia, China, and Iran.

            The USA debt is continue to balloon while nations in BRICS are selling off their US dollars and their US bonds.

            More and more global trade is being done without the dollar. Alternatives to the Swift system are now online. Chip manufacturing is being decoupled from the USA successfully.

            Diplomacy, for the first time in a century, is happening without the USA at the table.

            Over 75% of the USA’s newest fighter jets are unfit for combat.

            Major US cities, including at least one state capitol, don’t have drinkable water.

            Infrastructure in the USA is literally falling apart, sometimes killing people. Climate change it exacerbating the problem, with entire apartment buildings collapsing. Meanwhile homelessness is on the rise despite housing stock being available, because the economy is relying on housing to buoy financial portfolios and that means property values must remain inflated.

            Count the number of banks that have failed in the last 10 years. It’s sobering.

            Florida is threatening to send it’s state militia to the Texas/Mexico border.

            Book burnings, bannings, and vigilantism is on the rise all over the country.

            Right wing terrorism literally disable power stations in the Southeast. Meanwhile, winter storms shut down one of the largest states in the Union and killed people without any remediation in response.

            You cannot safely eat fish caught in any body of water in the USA.

            The USA is holding migrants in solitary confinement in record numbers, a form of torture that can destroy a person’s mental health. They even do it to children.

            The prison population in the USA is still the largest per capita in the world and it still uses these prisoners as slave labor producing over $10 billion in goods and services yearly.

            A study by Princeton showed that legislation passes only when the top 1% of the country support it, otherwise, popular sentiment is completely irrelevant, making this country not a democracy.

            The American world order is slowly crumbling, it will take decades. They will get more violent and more brutal as it proceeds in an attempt to arrest the trend.

            But my point remains, the alternative is not “dictators”.

      • xkyfal18
        7 months ago

        wait until you hear you yourself live under a dictatorship… A dictatorship of capital

      • Amerikan Pharaoh
        7 months ago

        Considering more and more periphery countries are moving to doing their trading in yuan? Considering how countries-- especially sovereign Afrikan nations that you crackers seemingly can’t quit pillaging-- are clambering over themselves to join BRICS+? Considering Niger is kicking AFRICOM’s drone bases out of their country (and developments in that region are pointing to a coalition between Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso specifically dedicated to telling Amerika to eat a bag of foreskins)?

        After all that, not a single goddamned JAQoff question you’ve asked here really matters; and I’m going to look forward to the coming days where I get to watch you whinge, whelp, and moan about how your treat dispenser’s drying up and you can’t stretch your paycheck a month, you Goddamned dog. And next time you wanna talk your chauvinistic white supremacist bullshit about your ‘oh-so-exceptional’ nation (lmao), do it on your real account with your coward ass. 8 month old account and only six posts, all of which made to run interference for Amerikan exceptionalism and the Democrat party like it’s not obvious wtf you’re doin.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
        7 months ago

        Yes, lots of countries are moving away from using the dollar for international trade. This process is happening faster than anybody thought possible. Meanwhile, the UN has nothing to do with whole “rules based world order” US keeps pushing. And the only dictator for life I see is Genocide Joe who refuses to let go of power despite being mentally incapable of leading a nation.

      • MarxMadness
        7 months ago

        a dictator-for-life led world order

        Ah yes, the only other option