How’s it going comrades? How’s the workouts going?

Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit. Job searching has me pretty stressed but I’m gonna try and not let that keep us from having the weekly thread moving forward I finally managed to get motivated and lift some this week.

  • @201dbergOP
    11 year ago

    I dream of building my own place. Have a general plans idea and everything. Nothing huge or extravagant but just kind of covy and quaint. But I feel it’s a pipe dream and I’ll never be able to afford it. But maybe.

    I would love to be more involved with my work physically but I’m also worried about destroying my body and then having tons of medical issues later on and we all know how this country views taking care of the old. Not to defer you from pursuing your dreams though. I love woodworking only I’m not skilled enough to do it for a profession. If I could though I totally… Wood.

    • DankZedong MA
      21 year ago

      claps for the pun

      Anyway, from the tons of videos I watched about homesteading, some seem to do it for really cheap. I guess it all depends on the level of luxury and the location you want. Also, if you have a homestead where you have a lot of the necessities you need on your plot, you don’t need to work too much to buy them. Watching homesteading vids really made me reflect on why I work. Mostly because I need money to survive of course. But if I manage to be more self sufficient, I might be able to change my relationship with work.

      Also, coming from a family of construction workers and warehouse employees, I see what heavy work does to your body unfortunately. But I also wonder how much of that will happen if you maintain a healthy lifestyle on the side. Most of my family drinks heavily and eats shit food. Can’t help but wonder if that also plays a role in their physical wellbeing. Or it’s a chicken and egg scenario, where you have to wonder if the heavy drinking and junk food is a coping mechanism for the heavy work.