It’s good to reflect sometimes.

I myself am feeling a bit dull lately. I’m working so hard at both my place of work and for the party that I forget that life has more to offer than communist propaganda spreading lol. I need to go out and touch grass more often. Today, for example, started at 6 and ended at 23 after cleaning, working, cooking and having a meeting with the party. Currently decompressing with wine and Harry Styles.

How about you guys?

  • @EnchantedWhetstones
    101 year ago

    I deliberately took a sledgehammer to my life. All things considered, I’m doing great. Fitter, happier, more productive. Using the e-reader every day on long walks. Not afraid of nuclear war. Laughing and laughing. Not insane.

      • KiG V2
        81 year ago

        How’d you sledgehammer?

        Also do we mean insane “not insane”, actually sane “not insane”, or insane but in a way that is more sane than everybody else “not insane”

    • DankZedong OPA
      41 year ago

      It’s good to sometimes say: ‘fuck this all, I’m out’. Good on you for having the nerves to do it.