you don’t need it!

you don’t need it!

  • @DamarcusArt
    122 months ago

    But…why? Seems like the goal is to just have all their blue collar workers die of heat stroke. Doesn’t really seem very profitable to me, but I’m not a genius capitalist pulling the strings of the US government, so I clearly just am too plebian to understand the benefits.

    • amigan
      62 months ago

      Because fuck you, that’s why.

      Literally the only policy rationale the GOP has. They have moved beyond merely acting out of self-interest. Now the algorithm is just an inversion function of anything liberals want.

      • @DamarcusArt
        42 months ago

        The GOP seems to be so used to just being used as a “boogeyman” by the dems, that they don’t even try to govern anymore. 'Merica is fucked.