I’ve been having some rather awkward feelings about the Lemmygrad community and have lurked for a while but I have decided to do something interesting for now. What if the United States had finally undergone a successful socialist revolution through general revolution and civil war for socialist cause. What would it look like? A federal republic or something different?

  • Commissar of Antifa
    131 year ago

    Like the USSR, it would probably be split into several SSRs and ASSRs for the colonized nations (New Afrika, Chicano, various native nations; Hawaii and Puerto Rico might become independent like Finland did) and end up looking nothing like the original empire. The original constitution and government would be abolished instead of just putting better people in the existing order. Considering how developed the US is, you might not need an NEP and could go straight into 5-year plans, depending on how bad the civil war is. A Soviet of Nationalities would also need to be created based on the one in the USSR to combat settler colonialism and white chauvinism. Like the white emigres of Russia or Cuban gusanos, many bourgeois would probably flee to Canada/Japan/EU unless those areas had a revolution earlier or at the same time.

      • @triplenadir
        31 year ago

        Definitely think a change would be a good idea, the current name is too long, inaccurate (the country doesn’t unite all of America) propaganda (lol how united those states). Only worse country name is the so-called “United” “Kingdom”.

        • @ComradeChris101OP
          31 year ago

          Some silly names there were either Continental or Usonian. lol