If it happens, I really wish that cartels capture every single yankee soldier

  • @Mzuark
    181 year ago

    It’s honestly wild that people still view the US military as this unstoppable bastion (until they want to talk about women and minorites anyway) after what happened in Afghanistan.

    • @ComradeSalad
      141 year ago

      America is a military power by sheer quantity of force alone. It’s no secret, and you would have to be delusional to say that the US military is not absurdly powerful.

      However, its structure and foundation is rotted by capitalism. Obsolete aging equipment is made by the lowest bidder, soldiers are poorly trained, bureaucracy and money stifles any attempt at reform in regards to tactics or doctrine, and so many more problems. So any time that the US military encounters a new problem that they can’t blow up, they get bogged down for years as the bureaucracy attempts to do anything (it ultimately does it) and the military is forced to withdraw due to the situation becoming untenable (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Panama, Cuba, etc)