I’m surprised people are mad about the Navalny documentary considering it’s basically new Cold War propaganda. I guess because Zelensky was denied a speech they’re pissed.

  • @cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    The Oscars are just a liberal circlejerk anyway. Who cares? The Nazi commenting seems upset at the idea of a good Russian still being propagated, they would prefer that the mainstream rhetoric about Russians go fully genocidal and dehumanizing like it has in their beloved Ukronaziland. Depending on how things go they may even eventually get their way. The imperialists are in a panic and there is no end to how far they are prepared to escalate, and the liberals are just itching to get an excuse let out their racism and their chauvinism while still pretending like they’re the morally virtuous ones. Don’t be surprised to one day find that it has become acceptable and mainstream in the West to talk about Russian and Chinese people the way Jews were talked about in Nazi Germany. Polite middle class “moderates” will turn into downright murderous psychopaths if and when their comfortable lifestyles are seriously threatened.

    • @supersolid_snake
      1 year ago

      They also did it for 20 years plus to Muslims while saying Islam isn’t a race (but we know what they mean). These are the people that will do Abu Ghraib and then say China mistreats Muslims. The other possibility is they may forget about Russians and focus their hatred on Chinese people soon, or pick a new people altogether. In fact they aren’t too happy with the Saudis normalizing ties with Iran so it might be Arabs.

      Libs are creeps.