@_KOSMONAUT@lemmygrad.ml made a post sharing cool Soviet names so I wanted to share a list I’ve made of cool names (to use for fiction, but I also just like a lot). I only started it about a year or two ago so it definitely is not EVERY name I’ve ever found cool. The list I have also includes fictional names I made up, but this is comprised solely of real names that I’ve seen, either of people or streets. Some of these are famous but most are not!

–Chukwu –DeOrr –Ustina –Danuta –Malantha –Teyra –Rauhut –Belgrade –Systasia –Micon –Earlnesha –LoVerde –Nalamolu –Pathak –Iskra –Evro –Wisteria –Gardenia –Laluja –Shavairon –Joeie –Wingate –Daufuskie –Vivek –Shubham –Seraphando –Scuppernong –Firuza –Sultanova –Benedikta –Vigdis –Ebbatilda –Piprommonros –Vallakrassing –Simhall –Edsbruk –Curtrise –Yajaira –Arklow –Hollenhorst –Melvalisa –Ahaviya –Diarmuid –Crabtree –Rangeworth –Jatwann –Tanganika –Dunia –Larryelle –Rasean –Chenault –Bravington –Old Dobbin –Bertdell –Nicolette –Sulgrave –Nfeniti –Hezekiah –Molcajete –Dombrowski –Xochimilco –Quamiye –Itayasia –Swartzentruber –Barrikad –Revmira –Gvozdika –Pimlico –Usnea Panda Beth –Czegia –Bowkrich –Vodolazkin –Quetzalcoatl –Orsino –Temujin –Poinsettia –Ylarisse –Farrukh –Demetria –Eirfrakswa –Selmanir –Offwin

Multiculturalism is cool 😎

Ya’all know any cool names?

  • KiG V2OP
    41 year ago

    No, I didn’t! It was the name of a restaurant I delivered for, I asked the host what it meant and he said he didn’t know, so I wondered it it was a proper noun. I guess not! 😅

    I also know that Scuppernong is a type of grape, Quetzalcoatl is the name of a winged serpent god in (I think) Aztec lore, and Temujin is of course Genghis Khan’s real first name.

    I’m sure there’s a good story behind every name! Thank you for the info 🙏

    • Water Bowl Slime
      41 year ago

      That restaurant better have had salsa de molcajete at least! Pretty weird to have named it that otherwise. It’d be like calling a restaurant “Blender” and not serving anything made in a blender or even knowing what a blender is.