I sorta like the random meme subs and eventually I always get back to Commie subs. But Jesus its so divisive. Like immediately after I suggest Russia sucks compared to USSR it isn’t imperialist, now I’m getting pulled into a whole argument with someone who believes they are imperialist. I mean I understand their points but everyone on Reddit thinks just because Russia is not socialist, Ukraine and Russia are the same evil and Russia is actually Imperialist, so by this logic I guess this person sees Russia as a greater threat than the Nato expansion that Ukraine aims for. God Reddit is annoying

  • @Munrock
    171 year ago

    I think the trick to arguing on the internet is to remember you’re making a case to everyone reading, not to the ‘opposition’. And the silent observers are far more sensible and reasonable than the contrarians that speak up.

    Usually a few hard truths and links to further reading is enough. Truth is a powerful ally, let it do the work. And trust the silent majority: they can see if someone’s arguing on bad faith or being deliberately obtuse or just an actual idiot, even if they’ll never say it.

    • KiG V2
      41 year ago

      👆👆👆 butterfly effect!!