I know there’s a lot of atheist users on this site, some are also very critical of religious stuff so I’m just asking so nobody gets offended.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    141 year ago

    I’m personally Atheist but I can appreciate Islam, I actually do the Wudu ritual washing after work everyday, not for religious reasons but damn it’s so good for you to clean up your sweatiest/dirtiest body parts after a long day of work outside. And not to sound like a lib, but Denzel Washington in the Malcolm X movie really astonished me at a young age, I was raised Irish Catholic but that movie brought up so many great questions and points that Malcolm X made to push against the narrative that Jesus was white and that Christianity is the acceptable religious norm in the USA. It was one of the many events that lead to me becoming atheist. I will always appreciate Islam, but I don’t think I’ll ever fully believe in the religious aspects of it if that makes any sense.

    • QueerCommie
      131 year ago

      Ditto, with comrades like Malcom X, hakim, and Lady Izdihar, I have come to respect Islam, but by no means does that mean I am swayed from my agnosticism.