It seems someone has created a /c/trotskyists community. I believe this community should be removed for what I think are obvious reasons.

  • @CommisarChowdahead
    191 year ago

    I’m on the fence. On the one hand, deeply committed Trots are wreckers and ultimately reactionary, but I was brought into Marxism by well-intentioned but poorly informed Trots: there is hope for some of them. Maybe we leave it there but make it more of a community to try to pull online Trots out of their ideological dead end. I don’t know what that process would be, maybe forcing them to allow historically accurate content to contrast their claims.

    • @EnchantedWhetstones
      191 year ago

      That’s an interesting idea.

      You know I see people posting WSWS all the time and they manage to catch a lot of people who don’t notice them like, denouncing the party doing a strike they’re covering positively as “deceiving the workers” in the article they shared, don’t know about their anti-“cancel culture” shit where they root for Harvey Weinstein and shit.

      /c/Trotskyism could just become a repository of deranged and COINTELPRO trot behavior, history, etcetera.

    • @201dberg
      121 year ago

      Just fill it with all the arguments against Trotsky, his crimes, etc. Use it to show everyone what a piece of shit he was.