You’re going to like this. So recently Ukraine asked for countries in latin america to end it’s neutral stance on the war, according to these news:

Here are some of the comments:

“Ukraine chose NATO, now deal with the consequences”

“Translating: USA Neonazi puppet wants latinoamericans to help lmao”

“Latin america is historically (and constantly) harmed by imperialist countries from NATO, even without war. A multipolar world isn’t interesting for latin america. Much less this war.”

“Tell Ukrainians our war is against Flamengo” (Flamengo is one of the biggets football teams in Brazil)

“Not our problem. Best regards”

“Solve your own shit”

“Tell Ukraine Lully will use resources to raise students and scientists payments and wont send anything to the war.” (Lully is a nickname for Lula)

Btw I did not see one single comment defending joining this war

  • @Psychotronics
    51 year ago

    Btw I did not see one single comment defending joining this war

    Well, you’re looking at content curated to your taste. Sadly, this isn’t the mainstream sentiment about the war in our country. Though, to be fair, I don’t think most people here give a shit about it in the first place.

    • @redshiftedbrazilianOP
      81 year ago

      Not really, I follow a lot of Ancaps and neoliberals. Libs actively support joining the war in Ukraine side, specially the owner of that horrible yt channel Spotniks, that posts cringe videos about people with different ideologies talking to each other.

      And although most people really dont care, we must not forget two things:

      1 - Bolsonaro declared Brazil would be neutral. This was not simply him not saying anything about the because Mourão directly opposed him claiming Brazil would condemn Russia and Bolsonaro interjected saying that we would remain neutral.

      2 - Lula has not only blamed Zelensky but also has opposed joining the war and called for diplomatic solutions.

      The two most influential leaders of the country have both stated that this war is not our problem and Lula even partially blamed Zelensky and NATO for the war. So most people who care either dont want to join the war and a small but significant part also blames NATO for it. This is one of the few things Petistas and Bolsonaristas agree and not even our imperialist lapdog media can change that.

      Sure we (as a country) are far from the ideal comprehension of this war, but compared to people in the US and Europe we are lightyears ahead