Good day comrades! Figured I would get the post made earlier in the day today I stead of the usual, forgetting till the last minute. How has your exercising been going this week?

  • @201dbergOP
    41 year ago

    I did good with squats again this week and next week going up in weight. Although going to be careful ass my left hip joint was somewhat aggravated a bit this week.

    Did really good with OHP reps and was one single rep short of my 4 sets of 10 goal (and a set of lower weight warm up reps) for my current weight.

    I also finally fixed my fucking car so I was able to clear up some space in my garage and start doing some other lifts. Before, I didn’t have room for my bench or for deadlifts but now I do. I managed to get out and do some benching and did way better than expected. Taking another week or two before deadlifts due to a bit of a hand injury. It hasn’t impacted other lifts but deadlifts are a bit different than my other lifts in how you grab the bar some I’m being cautious. lol. One day I’ll get back to a full workout.