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  • SovereignState
    41 year ago

    shifting blame to individuals rather than systemic and structural problems for sure. China, DPRK, and Vietnam have been able to shut that shit down because they have governments run by and for the people that swiftly implemented policies to keep people safe, not, as western media likes to claim, that the Asiatic consciousness is just more amicable to policies of control and collectivist ideals. I’m certain they don’t love the masks or the social distancing or having to constantly get vaccines either. No one should because the reason we have to is a horrific pandemic! They just know that their government and their neighbors are there for them, and they want to be there for their government and their neighbors as well.

    • @ihaveibs
      31 year ago

      Exactly, and unfortunately this is sublimated into the anti-vaxx, anti-mask shit (and is actively encouraged by the ruling class) because people aren’t given the framework to fully articulate the issues they have with the government’s response to COVID

      • SovereignState
        41 year ago

        Absolutely. The anti-vax “movement” also does a great job at shifting focus away from the fact that Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna etc. are not our friends, and toward pseudoscientific quackery. They’re pocketing unfathomable amounts of money from this. They’re corporations, in the end, not the doctors giving us the vaccine, and they adhere to the profit motive first and foremost. Anyone remember when the Boosters were piloted in fucking Israel of all places?

        (Kind of joking): Maybe the real conspiracy is that these corporations manufactured covid-19 to generate near-infinite revenue. 🤔