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  • QueerCommieOP
    511 year ago

    MLK was killed by US intelligence

    • @cayde6ml
      151 year ago

      I think that should be obvious.

      • @ihaveibs
        81 year ago

        Yeah there’s that senator or rep or whatever that champions it like a complete weirdo, basically confirms it

    • Water Bowl Slime
      121 year ago

      What’s NAFO I’ve seen some people here talk about and I don’t get it. Is it just a hip way of referring to NATO?

      • QueerCommieOP
        171 year ago

        Terminally online NATO simps who have ugly dog pfps.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          131 year ago

          The only mention of them I’ve ever seen is on here and I’ll take that as a blessing.

        • @frippa@lemmy.ml
          61 year ago

          (that they need to fork 20 bucks to a terrorist militia to have the privilege to put on)

    • @Shaggy0291
      61 year ago

      If this is true then it has enormously inflated my sense of my party’s importance. They recently sent death threats to venues that my party are setting up an anti-NATO rally at to try and deplatform us.

  • QueerCommieOP
    431 year ago

    Malcolm X was killed by US intelligence (or at least they instigated it)

    • Muad'DibberA
      151 year ago

      Some of these assassinations are complicity by silence. They knew when and where it was going to happen, and did nothing to stop it.

      • QueerCommieOP
        141 year ago

        That’s what I think might have happened with 9/11, the attack was instigated by imperialism, but they knew that they could use it to distract from the $2.3 trillion “disappearing” and justify a more imperialism

  • Camarada ForteMA
    421 year ago

    COVID was lab-produced by the United States and the Pentagon. The US has historically used bioweapons both through wars (Korean War) and covertly (Cuba dengue epidemic) [those are just two examples].

    In its desperate drive to compete against a fast rising China, the United States (DoS + Pentagon + CIA) preferred to sabotage world economy and hurt the two countries through a global pandemic than to let China outlast them very quickly. They could be seeking for more time to react to the rise of China.

    The Foreign Ministry of China called in 2021 for investigations in the United States biological weapon facility Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina, to which the United States never gave a response.

    From January to August 2019, a few months before the pandemic, the United States ran a joint exercise called Crimson Contagion to test the capacity of the federal government to respond to a pandemic from China. It described the virus as a “respiratory virus [that] began in China”. The Times of Israel reported that the CIA alerted Israeli and NATO officials of a pandemic in China in November 2019, a month before China fist detected the virus and sent the information to the WHO (end of December 2019).

    • @Lemmy_Mouse
      161 year ago

      Not to mention the biolabs in Ukraine and going all the way back to SARS and the native genocide. Very likely

    • relay
      141 year ago

      I personally like it because it has a sick twisted irony to it. America, once again killed millions, but mostly their allies and their own citizens, while the enemy nations took it pretty well.

      • @Shrike502
        161 year ago

        It has “culled”, if you’ll excuse the term, the proletariat. Who were the main victims? Those who couldn’t afford medical aid or even a sick leave. Meanwhile, the geriatrics in charge somehow get healed easy peasy

      • @TarkovSurvivor
        161 year ago

        the people running crackerland don’t care about their citizens and China hate is up multiple times, they probably see it as a win nonetheless.

    • Water Bowl Slime
      101 year ago

      My main issue with this is that COVID hurt the west much more than it did China and surely US officials would have known that would happen, right? I don’t doubt that they’re depraved enough to have developed undisclosed biological weapons tho.

      • @sudojonz
        181 year ago

        The US doesn’t seem to accurately anticipate blowback in their schemes, I don’t see why Covid would be any different. Take the “current situation” for example, they thought sanctions would cripple Russia and oust Putin and they have done neither. As well the sanctions clearly backfired on the EU and US.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          81 year ago

          True, but sanctions are something that America imposes often and they’re usually successful at devastating a country so I don’t think it’s comparable.

          Like, in America’s ideal world, what were they aiming for? To create a world with an unmanageably diseased population?

          • @cayde6ml
            141 year ago

            I think the Amerikkkan capitalists figured that sacrificing the lives of millions is the preferred outcome to China surpassing them.

            • Water Bowl Slime
              71 year ago

              But that’s the thing - in the situation where the disease was so dangerous that even China couldn’t handle it, what’s America gonna do? Their own country would have collapsed a hundred times over by then.

          • @guojing@lemmy.ml
            121 year ago

            That’s just not true. The stated goal of sanctions is regime change. Yet Cuba or DPRK have been under sanctions for decades with no effect in that regard.

            • Water Bowl Slime
              51 year ago

              And then there’s Zimbabwe, Libya, Iraq, Nicaragua, Yugoslavia, etc.

              Those 2 countries are an exception and even then, they still face immense pressure from getting sanctioned. I wouldn’t say they’ve had no effect, they’ve definitely fueled civil unrest and caused crises.

              • @guojing@lemmy.ml
                71 year ago

                I’m not denying that, but clearly there was no regime change. And in the countries you mention there was war necessary for that.

                • Water Bowl Slime
                  31 year ago

                  Umm yeah sanctions and war go hand in hand… I’m not sure what your point is, sorry.

    • JoeMarx 193
      -81 year ago

      COVID was lab-produced by the United States and the Pentagon


  • QueerCommieOP
    361 year ago

    JFK was killed by US intelligence

  • relay
    361 year ago

    Ever since the History channel only showed bullshit and create a more superstitious audience I really do believe promoting superstitions and expanding folk cults around crypthid, ghost, psychic, and promoting worldviews of supernatural over the natural prevents people from understanding the world and isolating them from the levers of power. Believing in impossibly strong governments and impossible to understand enemies leaves the working class dis-empowered and afraid. This effectively creates mass psychosis among the populous. Spree shooters are reacting to their loss of privilege and how they are misinformed that an individual with a gun killing people can somehow liberate the world from some impossible enemy. Actual gun violence only reinforces the horror and encourages people to disengage from knowing what is going on.

    I suspect the US government is funding or subsidizing this psyop, but it could very well be the institutions of capitalism finding a way to scare people as a marketing ploy. But why would the government not try to make a profitable market to consolidate their power? It’s self funding!

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      221 year ago

      Promotion of superstition to protect the ruling class by dividing and diverting the working class is the oldest social engineering existing. Usually religion served in that role (and they still do for huge majority), but XX century seen unprecedented before decline in religiousness and rise in materialism, so the ruling class needed to cook off the new kinds of superstition and promote it hard, that’s why we have so many wacky cults and pseudo-scientific nonsense and this isn’t only for the ignorant masses, i mean just read anything by Dawkins, the guy have a point about traditional religions but his books just ooze spiritual unfulfillment and he’s projecting it over science.

      it is as comrade @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml said, an organized attack on the philosophical basis of marxism. And coupled with liberal encroaching with vulgar materialism in hand and resurgence of religion in socialist circles, a very, very successful one.

    • @Shrike502
      211 year ago

      I can believe that. Another, non US example, is the massive mania for the supernatural in the post-perestroika USSR and post-soviet Russia. We had people “charging water” in front of a TV, we had people pay absurd money to go see the likes of Alan Chumak. Plus the re-emergence of church.

      All of that promotes an idealistic view of the world and thus prevents material analysis

    • @knfrmity
      201 year ago

      That also helps to make sense of why many of these superstitions (not just History Channel bs but alt medicine, new age spirituality, and the like) so often lead into far right political spaces. It’s just another way to divide the working classes, and make money off people while they’re at it. Lots of people go into these places very angry with “the system” and their lot in life, so it also heads off a lot of revolutionary potential.

      What I find most interesting, or maybe ironic, is how (according to the oft quoted Caliban and the Witch) the ruling class at the dawn of capitalism used the which hunt around the Renaissance/enlightenment period to eradicate all of this type of superstition, magic, and folk knowledge. At that time such knowledge had exactly the opposite potential it does now, namely undermine the power of a bourgeoisie state to exploit the nascent working classes and force people to go along with the newfound scientific method of understanding, controlling, and shaping the world.

      • relay
        191 year ago

        I think the witch hunts were about disempowering women, destroying indigenous knowledge of the land, so that the only means of getting resources as a peasant were to work in a factory. Destroying people’s ability to provide for themselves forces them to have to sell their labor to a capitalist instead of living off of the commons. Witches perhaps acted as a power center supported by a superstitious superstructure to enforce their power that conflicted with the Bourgeoisie need to have everyone working for them.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          131 year ago

          Probably both. It was part of a battle in the class war, a fundamental one, of the information control. Back then the non-mainstream superstition flown from another sources, and was uncontrolled, offered alternative narration and, as you said, alternative possibilities, so it needed to be destroyed. Right now, the non-mainstream superstition flow from the same source as the mainstream, they are only the safety valve. “Don’t like capitalism? Consumerism sickens you? Hear what this guru here have to say, or whatever, we have full offer to you, even with discounts and home delivery! Class? Marx? Never heard of it.”

    • Yang Wen-li
      101 year ago

      I thought this was confirmed? I remember reading somewhere the CIA helped to fund and grow the alien conspiracy movement to discredit sightings of prototype stealth planes.

  • @Shrike502
    351 year ago

    Nazis in the Baltic States and in Ukraine are being purposefully promoted by the USA/NATO intelligence and media machine as a goading tactic towards Russia.

      • @Shrike502
        231 year ago

        I think the purpose is not entirely confirmed. Thing is - nobody actually forced them to specifically train neo-nazis groups. Those SS parades in Estonia? All it would take is a single call from Washington saying “Yo, stop giving us bad press” and they’ll stop. But it doesn’t happen. Of all the anti-communist, of all the nationalist groups, the ones that get propped up are those specifically with Nazi ties and Nazi symbolysm.

  • People'sWarEnjoyer☭
    301 year ago

    i think most conspiracies are pysops. most are ridiculous shit like lizard people controlling the world so that when people bring up things like 9/11, covid origins, mlk assassination etc people chuck them in the same bin as alex jones.

    i also think that the colonial australian government covers up much of their genocide. its said that there was anywhere from 350,000 to 1,000,000 aboriginals in australia the year of invation 1788. however this doesnt really ad up with accounts from colonialists saying that there were vast fields of cultivated yam, huge seed storages, fire stick farming (replenishing grasslands to attract animals for hunting) and trade routes. this is even further expanded on by aboriginal oral tradition describing their history and lore. i strongly believe aboriginal society was far more advanced and much larger than we are led to believe.

  • @InterKosmos61
    301 year ago

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA for his attempts at making peace with the Soviets.

    • @Leninismydad
      141 year ago

      Oswald def worked for the CIA, Dulles was an evil guy certainky capable of it, then he led the investigation and large amounts of documents either went missing or were “accidentally” destroyed

      • @knfrmity
        61 year ago

        Ruby also def worked for the CIA, even if the mob officially signed his paycheck.

    • @cayde6ml
      81 year ago

      I think it was more like, Kennedy didn’t want to turn the Amerikkkan people against the government, rather than truly making peace.

  • Drstrange2love
    251 year ago

    CIA is behind drug trafficking from Latin America to the US, and they use the money as an untraceable fund for their most covert operations. Edit: I was wrong and it is well confirmed that this happens

    • QueerCommieOP
      111 year ago

      I considered adding this, but it’s too confirmed. (Notice my title) I’d say a less confirmed claim related would be they simultaneously used the coke to intentionally start the crack cocaine epidemic so they could increase surveillance of marginalized communities.

      • @Lemmy_Mouse
        81 year ago

        Not just surveillance, but to drive apart the black and left communities including The Panthers through addiction and increase socially accepted criminality of the black and left communites. It bleeds into the entire war on drugs. One should look at the number of people in prisons before and after the war on drugs and then examine if one still supports fear, loathing, and hatred for the so-called guilty in this country. In many cases guilty in America is to be a hero in places such as Russia or China. The morality has inverted with the disposition of power balance.

    • @whoami
      31 year ago

      Gary Webb (as others pointed out) and the book The Politics of Heroin will show how the CIA is connected to drug trafficking

  • QueerCommieOP
    251 year ago

    Princess Diana was intentionally assassinated

    • Muad'DibberA
      131 year ago

      This is very believable, but I’d love the juicy details for it.

      • @ComradeSalad
        191 year ago

        She was a threat to the status qou of the monarchy, as she was brazenly becoming the face of the royal family with soaring public appeal, completely overshadowing the Queen. She had also deeply embarrassed the entire royal family with her justified divorce from her ghoul of a husband, along with her affair with a “common person”.

        In essence, she became an annoyance and a threat. It was for everyone’s benefit in the royal family and British government that she be quietly swept aside.

      • QueerCommieOP
        51 year ago

        I watched a bad Netflix documentary on it a while ago, and that’s most of the extent to which I know about it.

    • @TeezyZeezy
      41 year ago

      Why? What’s the reason for doing that?

      I’m not disagreeing I just can’t think of why they would do that

      • relay
        91 year ago

        1 UFO’s are often found around US bases 2 These might be some sort of secret technology like ball lightning weather control, but the stories around them mystify and distract from people focusing on their real enemies. 3 This distraction might prove more useful for creating a compliant public than whatever military uses they initially thought they had.

        • @redtea
          41 year ago

          Not weather control but weather balloons. The US has known for a long time the kinds of military advantage that weather balloons provide; they just can’t figure out the technology. The public is only just starting to learn what the Pentagon had kept fearfully secret.

      • @CountryBreakfast
        81 year ago

        I’ll tell you some of the clues

        Aliens end up as a part of interconnected nazi conspiracy theories. Peddling bs makes it easy to drive those narratives.

        Recently there has been a pivot in the UFO community from distrust of the government to quickly appealing to the military’s authority to support the navy’s recent release of UFO footage/accounts. To me this is both naive and suspicious because somehow it’s never considered that the US navy would or even could lie or that the government isn’t trying to cover up aliens (life outside of earth has been incorrectly announced 3 times, recently by Bill Clinton so idk why people think the government is lying about aliens when they want to announce so bad).

        Let’s also not forget the relationship between John Podesta and Tom DeLong (yes from blink 182) that was exposed in John Podesta’s wiki leaked emails. I think they use the narrative as a grift to rake in quick cash and utilize celebrities to do it. At the same time they can increase engagement with UFO bs.

        I also kind of believe that some politicians and MIC officials are true believers or present themselves as believers.

        But here is the real shit. Astronomy is married to the MIC. It is a technologically driven field, so most people don’t see that it is a problem. But the truth is science is hijacked by capital, it an enterprise. Increasing interest in space by spreading UFO bs is a way to justify the next government contracted, overpriced mega instrament. It increases interest in oligarchs and their insipid and foolish “dreams” of colonizing Mars, laying the foundation for Space Force and so on.

        I also think Aliens have a special role in the mind. They are used to justify the same racist theories about the world that the British Empire’s geographers believed, that Joseph Smith believed, that Indigenous populations had to have been preceeded or greatly aided by a superior race that has disappeared because there is no way they could have built pyramids, mounds, or other impressive marks of “civilization.”

        And now my hottest take:

        Aliens and the prospect of a spacefaring civilization fully justifies colonialism. To understand this you must know the direct connection between euro colonialism and climate change and then further their connections to our branded “dreams” of leaving earth or exploring the stars.

        Climate change is the ultimate macro level blowback from the social and environmental destruction that colonialism, driven by capital, has brought. To believe that we can render Earth as redundant by reaching the stars and escaping blowback from colonialism is the ultimate justification for the capitalist class and their genocidal methods. When we believe in aliens we believe in ourselves in space. People try to shy away from this by claiming that aliens could be any biology, but forget that the idea of civilization and technology as we know it is not only deeply anthropocentric but is an extension of the enlightenment thinking that has traditionally justified colonialism and led us to hell. Maintaining belief in aliens is like putting grease on the wheels to keep the train to apocalypse rolling, and the death cult of capital satisfied. Thus, spreading UFO bs could be seen as a clever ruse by the powerful.

      • @ComradeSalad
        61 year ago

        UFO’s in the Cold War were practically all just prototype jet aircraft or high altitude surveillance planes/satellites. Of course the government can’t just come out and say that because of the Soviet Union, so they created weird conspiracy theories about aliens to throw everyone off track, and make anyone who talks about the unidentified craft look like lunatics.

  • @Shaggy0291
    231 year ago

    That the CIA killed JFK in conjunction with its connections in the Cuban exile community and the mob. As reported by several credible bystanders at the scene, there were men on the grassy knoll that fired the shots that hit the presidential car, Texas Governor John Connally and the President himself, including the so-called “magic bullet”. It appears the plan was to pin the blame for the shooting on Lee Harvey Oswald, a man who was almost certainly a spy in the employ of the United States government. The plan went awry when Oswald left the book dispensary. He was never meant to leave that building alive. Known mob associate Jack Ruby’s dramatic murder of him as he was being escorted out of the police station was a last minute improvisation that was necessary to silence him before he got to share his side of the story with the public, which would have blown the lid on everything. In the immediate aftermath of the shootings the car was removed from the scene of the crime and tampered with to remove the glass windscreen with the bullet holes that would have confirmed the actual trajectory of the shots.

    Each group involved in the plot had a particular motive for the killing; the CIA and the security establishment had feuded with JFK over numerous plots and schemes that had gone awry, most notably the Bay of Pigs fiasco and that time they all nearly blew up the world together. Critical comments made by JFK seem to suggest he was threatening to dismantle the CIA, with its wide ranging and unaccountable extra-legal powers. The Cuban exiles, particularly those of the militant group the DRE, were all increasingly exacerbated by JFK’s non-commitment to overthrowing Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba, and feared that if he remained in power then the US government might move towards rapprochement with the Communists, which would doom their counter-revolution. The American Mob had ties to both the CIA and the Cubans, with several prominent gangsters formerly connected with the pre-revolutionary crime scene in Havana being tapped by the CIA in their tireless efforts to assassinate Castro. Their motives were therefore inextricably bound up with those of their partners; to protect their CIA employers on the one hand and to help their Cuban émigré friends to make Cuba a safe and lucrative place for of their illegal rackets once again.

    It’s far and away the most compelling explanation in my book.