
I like how Putin clarified that Soviet Ukrainianization and indigenization of other areas of the USSR was not a bad policy in principle, makes it seem less anti-communist than his February 24, 2022 speech where he just says Lenin created Ukraine. This time he’s close to the Russian leftist view, that it was the nationalists that divided Russia and the Soviets reunited and stabilized the country.

  • albigu
    8 months ago

    Halfway through, I didn’t notice any new interesting information. For anybody who has been paying any attention, his positions are the same as always (maybe a bit clearer on the origins of Ukraine), but now being broadcasted to millions of Statesian reactionaries.

    I think the content is far less important than the impact this is going to have on the Republicam base’s position on the war. We might have a gosh darn “anti-war republican campaign” this year.

    But it was very “interesting” to see Putin trying to explain to Tucker Carlson of all people that Nazis are still around and denazification is important.

    Live editing if interesting things catch my eye.

    Edit 1: at around 1:09:00 Carlson asks him whether is there any truth of him having ambitions to conquer all of the continent. And Putin replies in the clearest way possible, with live translation, in one of the most warched interviews of the year that: no, that’d be dumb, it’s just US military propaganda to get more budget.

    Again, nothing new for anybody paying attention, but could do a nice agitation video for tiktok/shorts if anybody here is good with that.

    Edit 2: if you want to die from blood alcohol, take a shot every time Putin mentions interactions with other important figures, but adds something like “I’ll not give any details”.

    • FamousPlan101OP
      8 months ago

      A new thing was him talking about the entire left bank of the Dneiper being historically Russian, this includes Poltava, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kiev in the north. Recently before this he was talking about creating a buffer zone to prevent Ukrainian attacks on Russian cities.