Shalom my beloved Comrades . Good work again for banning this khanzir ( pig ) , Why is he even trying to infiltrate in here what is they’re problem ? . 🤣

    • @CriticalResist8A
      71 year ago

      It’s an unhealthy obsession and he clearly needs help, but we are not able to give him this help, no matter how much we tried. At some point, it is important to preserve ourselves too and not keep taking and taking on the burdens of others that make your life difficult. To give you some idea, wisconcom is also active on leftypedia (recently revived), rational wiki (noted anti communist wiki where he fit right in with the anti communism to write about us), and made his own “commiepedia” all to discredit prolewiki. He also had a short-lived twitter account that only ever talked about us. And of course his substack now, with two articles on us.

      And now his “reformation committee” that is only him and like 2 other people with which he hopes to “liquidate” the administration team.

      I’m not sure what he believes or wants exactly. Recent developments show that he wants to become an administrator on prolewiki so that he can make it into his little hoxhaist paradise, despite never having provided any funds to prolewiki or even help in starting the wiki. He wants to take what others people have built and make it into his little cult.

      I should maybe also mention that he goes back and forth on his attacks (but never deletes them though). Before he came on lemmygrad yesterday and I snapped at him, he told me on his substack that he apologized and would let us join his discord (he banned us from it) so we could talk, and he was willing to disband the movement. Then he banned me from his substack anyway and deleted my comments.