Shalom Comrades . I Have another question i wanted to talk with you .

Is about what words and phrases should and shouldn’t be used or said ?

For example , i and another Comrade where talking about a some stuff about trolls , bots , fed/cia , psyop account and communities and what not .

And this is how a new topic was brought ( see the screenshotz below ) :


And that’s why , i need your guidance from all of you to help and correct the vocabulary of other Comrades , ( including myself )

So let’s start :

What are the words and phrases that should we as Comrades use in the first place ? . Instead of using the ones in the screenshots above mentioned ⬆️ . Can some of you please give me a list of words and phrases that are kosher ( permissible ) to say and not Asur ( prohibited ) to say ? .

For example :

the “B” word and other words that we need to get rid of our my vocabulary .

It will be very great and helpful to make a list of what words and phrases should we i use .

I hope to get an answer .


  • Black AOC
    1 year ago

    thank you based god

    /uj On the level tho, you’re right on the money about where the issues regarding appropriation of AAVE is concerned. Are the odds high that you’d get an eyeroll, a roof-click, and a shake of the head out of some Black folk hearing it leave you? Yeah; but that’s more a bias kneejerk reaction borne from thousands of incidents of say, folk like who you see on r/kanye or r/hiphopheads trying to speak what they think is ‘fluent’ AAVE while being white as skim and living in a gated suburb.