thanks for the spam email informing me on this, I didnt need this in my life

  • @illume
    121 year ago

    uncomfortable with the idea that the mass murder and enslavement of Jews and other peoples are a “cheap imitation” of anything. Agree that colonialism and imperialism absolutely were both an inspiration for and similar to Nazism, but Hitler’s empire was the real deal, and i would absolutely beat up(physical capabilities notwithstanding) someone who praises hitler.

    • It’s hard to even get close to talking to this without sounding anti semitic, tragedies cant have comparisons, but there’s 4.5 million native Americans left in USA

    • Muad'DibberA
      41 year ago

      The nazis explicitly took most of their ideas from the US experiment (lebensraum -> manifest destiny for example). The only difference between the US genocide / planned extermination of its native peoples (or what the Brits did to the global south) and the nazi’s genocide of jews and their undesirables, is that the US largely succeeded. And unlike germany, neither the US nor Britain has had to atone for their crimes against humanity.