UK MPs voted on Wednesday to back a Conservative government bill that proposes a ban on public institutions from imposing boycotts on the importation of goods from Israel. A collection of lawmakers from the Labour opposition and some Tory rebels opposed the legislation.

The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill is the government’s effort to tackle the so-called Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The Palestinian-led movement seeks to encourage UK institutions to cease trade, or other forms of interaction, with Israel, to protest the state’s actions in its ongoing war with Hamas.

The proposed bill, which MPs voted in favor of by a margin of 282 to 235, would make it illegal for public bodies, such as councils or universities, to be “influenced by political or moral disapproval of foreign states when taking certain economic decisions.” Israel is the only state explicitly mentioned in the text, in addition to Occupied Palestinian Territories.


In addition to Kearns, The Guardian notes that several other Conservative MPs are unconvinced by the plan – due to it explicitly citing Israel as requiring special protection and appearing to frame the occupied territories as part of its definition of Israel.

  • PoliticalCustard
    8 months ago

    On reading that I thought that’s quite a close vote considering I thought Labour would have voted with the Government on this. Labour actually voted against this. Flippin’ ‘eck! Please don’t interpret this as being a pro-Labour post… I’m just expressing surprise at the way they voted considering recent history giving a big ol’ thumbs up to Israel doing a genocide.

    “Labour, however, confirmed on Wednesday morning it would whip MPs to vote against the bill. Wayne David, a shadow foreign office minister, wrote on the Labour List website: “The most damaging part of the bill is that it treats the occupied Palestinian territories as though they were in effect the same as the State of Israel.”

    • DamarcusArt
      8 months ago

      Labour, like most pseudo-left parties in the west, will vote morally when there is no chance of them succeeding, then fall in line otherwise.