• alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️
    201 year ago

    How cute for Ūkrāīnās giving Russians nicknames everytime. First Orcs, now Zombies, what next? Russian Demons? Russian Scourge?

    • @Shrike502
      131 year ago

      Reminds me of this:

      — 9th March, the Anthropophagus has quitted his den

      — 10th, the Corsican Ogre has landed at Cape Juan

      — 11th, the Tiger has arrived at Gap

      — 12th, the Monster slept at Grenoble

      — 13th, the Tyrant has passed through Lyons

      — 14th, the Usurper is directing his steps towards Dijon, but the brave and loyal Burgundians have risen en masse and surrounded him on all sides

      — 18th, Bonaparte is only sixty leagues from the capital; he has been fortunate enough to escape the hands of his pursuers

      — 19th, Bonaparte is advancing with rapid steps, but he will never enter Paris

      — 20th, Napoleon will, tomorrow, be under our ramparts

      — 21st, the Emperor is at Fontainbleau

      — 22nd, His Imperial and Royal Majesty, yesterday evening, arrived at the Tuileries, amidst the joyful acclamations of his devoted and faithful subjects.