Was talking the other day with someone and the topic of happy places came up. Like, places you have a good memory of that you can go back to if you feel down. I couldn’t imagine a happy place at that moment but I just figured out my happy place.

It’s a public natural swimming pool made in a river in a tiny village in the Provence, France. I went there for my first holiday with my girlfriend when we were not even two months together. We met and we just felt like going on a three week trip together through France. Never went to France before and never went camping before. So we went camping in this small village in the Provence and I had the time of my life really. That specific pool deserves to be my happy place.

How about you guys?

  • Arsen6331 ☭
    1 year ago

    I wish I did. There isn’t a place that makes me particularly happy, because there is no place I’ve been to that’s suited to me and my autism. The closest thing would be my room. I have it precisely the way I need it: all curtains closed, windows shut, lights completely off, with my servers working away and their cooling fans humming nicely in the background.

    When I get overwhelmed, I end up having an autistic shutdown, and have to retreat to my room. It is the only place where I can feel calm, because anywhere else, there are people, TVs, lights on, light and sound coming from outside, etc. I can’t handle very much of that for long, especially when I am extremely overwhelmed and in a shutdown. When this happens, I just lay on my bed for hours. Not sleeping, just thinking, until I’ve expressed enough of my emotions to get rid of the stress, and then I can start recovering, which can take anywhere from hours to days.

    Even in my room though, some light and sound gets in. The perfect room would be completely sound-isolated, pitch black, and with a lock preventing anyone from entering. I’d spend a lot of time there. I also love forests and places with lots of nature, but it’s ruined by other people walking around, cars driving, and mosquitoes (I absolutely despise mosquitoes).

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        1 year ago

        Well, I’d have my computer, but I’d want that to be the only thing emitting light, and when I turn it off, I’d want it to be pitch black. Thinking would be the entire point, and I’d have my computer near me for when I’m finished thinking.