Acting on the recommendations of its Second Committee (Economic and Financial) and Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural), the General Assembly today adopted a total of 99 resolutions and 3 decisions on items ranging from permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people and eradicating poverty to combating glorification of Nazism and plight of refugees.
A/78/478 (committe report, includes votes for all drafts, L.58 and L.60/Rev 1 don’t seem to have their own voting data in the digital library): resolution text
Does anyone have a link to the votes by nation this year?
A/C.3/78/L.7: resolution text | voting data
A/78/478 (committe report, includes votes for all drafts, L.58 and L.60/Rev 1 don’t seem to have their own voting data in the digital library): resolution text
Thank you!