Iraq, Syria, Libya, Donbass; Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia; Hiroshima, Nagasaki, maybe even Dresden and Nuremberg. Don’t know why I’d mention those places; they just came to mind.

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    1 year ago

    The well meaning libs will say shit like “well they’re both wrong!”, except, that’s not really how the world responds…is it? What country was it that the US threatened to invade if any US nationals were tried for war crimes? Was it Belgium? Ask these kind of people want internal movements in the US are pushing for US war crimes to be internationally tried, you’ll get crickets, and they’ll just turn around with nothing having been learned.

    • JucheBot1988OP
      121 year ago

      “Carpet-bombing Korea might have been a warcrime, but there’s nuance…”