So according to this game the DPRK has its inequality at Extreme (8.6)

To put this into perspective, USA is High (4.2), Ukraine is Low (2.6) and South Korea is Moderate (3.1)

Israel occupies all of Palestine, all North Koreans want to submit to the aliens for some reason (the game’s setting is that aliens come to earth and you can take different approaches), this game is anti-communist propaganda made into a game.

Also this is how the game explains GDP per Capita:

pic:terra invicta gdp per capita explanation

I’m not gonna pretend that I understand economics, but I mean USA has a very high GDP per Capita and the economic conditions of the average citizen are horrible, I mean as far as I know there is a ton of people there living with homelessness breathing on their necks, right?

I pirated the game and I still feel scammed smh my head

  • @REEEEvolution
    1 year ago

    Lul, there’s the RoC “liberating” the mainland, but not the PRC unifying China for good. All all decolonialization stuff leaves out breaking up the USA and Canada.

    • @Magos_Galactose
      81 year ago

      PRC already have a claim on the rogue state at the start of the game. Therefore, they can reunify China far earlier than RoC “liberating” mainland.

      Hell, that’s pretty much one of the first thing I did after managed to acquire mainland China.

      They are projects for disintegrating US, though, but I won’t blame you for missing it. You probably see how messy the tech tree is.