I just want to use this to open up a discussion about porn and prostitution because I hear multiple takes all claiming that they have the route to women’s liberation and I’d like to find the correct one, lol.

I think that prostitution and most forms of porn are coercive and not good things overall. Is this a reactionary take? If so I want to correct it by all means but I was always under the impression that the porn actors aren’t paid well enough and prostitution/porn often stems from desperation and not actual desire to be those things.

Let me know your thoughts

  • @201dberg
    121 year ago

    I feel like… In a proper socialist society that had easy access to work and everyone was provided for, prostitution wouldn’t exist. Since it’s only real reason to exist is for monetary need and if that was taken care of no one would need to sell themselves.

    Porn? Idk. It’s like, people wouldn’t need to make porn for income or anything but… people like making/drawing porn. Porn has happened throughout all of human history at some level. It’s gonna happen. Some people also make videos of themselves for not monetary purposes. I feel like there wouldn’t be an industry for it but there would be porn of some form or another made by people freely of their own desire. So I feel outlawing it outright would not really be necessary?

    Any form of either of these that is done out of necessity for income is in and of itself exploitation. In fact I don’t think there’s any form of prostitution that isn’t exploitive. Porn, if done/made from ones own, unincentivized, free will then I guess it could be seen as liberating. Freedom of expression or whatever.

    This is all from a hypothetical situation from the standpoint of a true socialist society. As far as from a capitalist standpoint idk. Maybe if that last point of the porn being unincentivized and just cause someone wanted to…

    • SovereignState
      41 year ago

      Just wanted to add that I’ve read that China is in the process of creating a network of free vocational training programs explicitly for people formerly/currently in the sex trade, which I think is an incredible solution to negating the financial drive towards it