So according to this game the DPRK has its inequality at Extreme (8.6)

To put this into perspective, USA is High (4.2), Ukraine is Low (2.6) and South Korea is Moderate (3.1)

Israel occupies all of Palestine, all North Koreans want to submit to the aliens for some reason (the game’s setting is that aliens come to earth and you can take different approaches), this game is anti-communist propaganda made into a game.

Also this is how the game explains GDP per Capita:

pic:terra invicta gdp per capita explanation

I’m not gonna pretend that I understand economics, but I mean USA has a very high GDP per Capita and the economic conditions of the average citizen are horrible, I mean as far as I know there is a ton of people there living with homelessness breathing on their necks, right?

I pirated the game and I still feel scammed smh my head

  • @thetablesareorange
    1 year ago

    it absolutely does not take anything like healthcare education, life expectancy, infant mortality, into account in fact the best thing for GDP per capita is to have everyone in the country become a slave to one guy. It’s not even a very good measurement of the economy either as any western propagandists will eagerly tell you if china or even Russia has a better GDP anything than anyone in the west.

    I’ll give an example: two people have a billion dollars, one of them puts most in the bank and lives very modestly, the other immediately goes out and buys luxury cars, mansions, jewlery etc. According to the GDP the guy saving his money is much worse off, while the guy burning through his fortune as fast as possible has the highest GDP imaginable. It doesn’t always work like that, but it just shows how GDP is not really good for anything. Other than convincing poor white people that rich white people spending lots of money while they wallow in poverty is actually good for them