• @Beat_da_Rich
    1 year ago

    If we’re to acknowledge that Ukraine is a fascist vassal state of imperialism then it should be acknowledged that the general civilian populace has very little to no active say in their government or the fascists who have enjoyed elevation and endorsement.

    Sure, a significant portion of the population likely supports it, else it wouldnt be the problem it is. But fascist regimes don’t need a majority of the population to take a country hostage. Historically, it needs around 20%-30% of the populations support (Germany in 32’ the Nazis only has about 30% popular support. Trumpism in the US consistently enjoys about 35%. Girlboss Mussolini was recently elected with only 26% support.)

    Communists shouln’t cheer for the suffering of the working-class. In Ukraine the working class is being punished from all angles.