• @BenEarlDaMarxist
    1 year ago

    I am desensitized from gore, so I’m fine with seeing fictional (not IRL ppl) ppl getting their limbs cut off and parts of their face removed. Sexual shit on the other hand, not as desensitized but on the weirder fetishes like vore, amputation and scat… Why? Just- like, why is this a thing?

    • Red Phoenix
      91 year ago

      I imagine most porn/sex addicts get so desensitized to regular plain sex that they need increasingly intense fetishes to stimulate their arousal.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      41 year ago

      Same, Saw, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street are my jam, but who the f watched the real people dying? Oh yes, r*ddit. And I turn my head or change channel on a kiss lmao