
Alona Shevchenko, NAFO’s self-declared “Queen,” “khaleesi,” and “#1 E Girl,” led the anti-Smart campaign. She is perhaps best known as a provocative figure in the crypto community and the internet girlfriend of NAFO celebrity Paul Massaro, a senior policy advisor to the U.S. Helsinki Commission, which is a government agency created by Congress. Virtually unknown before the war, Massaro has amassed almost 350,000 followers by being (in the words of a friend on Twitter) “a mind-numbingly stupid empty phrasemonger.” Massaro’s follower count ranks between the US embassy in Kyiv and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Is this a real person or a data script?” asked journalist Neil Hauer. Shevchenko proudly displays the neo-[Fascist] wolfsangel symbol on her profile, and often jokes that she controls Massaro. According to her Twitter bio, “I train @apmassaro3 [Paul Massaro’s] AI system.”

  • @Shrike502
    92 years ago

    I will.

    According to UN, Nazis are to be hanged.

    • Black AOC
      72 years ago

      Too quick for their like unless it’s Mussolini-style.