Cheat their ass off in HOI4/Kaiserreich just to see the map go red?

I’m not megamind enough to “get” grand strategy, especially Paradox games. I just like to bump production to 10,000% and form the United Socialist South American States.

  • Comrade_Faust
    2 years ago

    Yeah, the few successes I’ve had have been when I watched someone better than me exploit the AI. I’ve managed to win the Spanish Civil War as the Republicans a few times as well as conquer Xibei San Ma, Sinkiang and the other one near Communist China (only to get steamrolled by Japan and carried by ROC). But then I try to put what I’ve learnt to something as basic as invading Poland as Germany in either 1936 and 1939 and I can’t even beat them before the Allies have set troops everywhere. :(