• @TheAnonymouseJoker
    91 year ago

    However if women started making anime or movies that featured a lot of male rape I bet you’d see a sharp condemnation of the media by men as the concept and plot device now swivels to focus on them

    There are too many chuds and incels/femcels out there. Acceptance is one hell of a thing, and closeted celibacy really allows to give shape to loser personalities. I know this so deeply because once upon a time I had incel like behaviour, and it was very, very horrible. I took my time and developed myself because I knew how wrong it was for everyone and myself.

    I cannot write more, this is depressing.

    • @OttarM
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        71 year ago

        Its alright, I have plenty scars, and it was not on you. I have battled a lot of depression and suicidal tendencies.

        Even now I am fighting a demon, struggling with it. Skillet, Disturbed, Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days Grace, Imagine Dragons and Five Finger Death Punch are my jam.