Giorgi Kuparashvili spoke to the audience in English, largely about the Azov delegation’s success in Washington. “We went to the Senators, Congressmen, from both parties. Honestly, the majority we met, there were like over fifty of them, and head of their fractions [Democrats and Republicans], they all gave 100% support. They started to work right from their office in front of us, picked up the phone, and started calling to different organizations which can influence — right now, we’re having problems with the Geneva Conventions. Geneva Conventions is not working, not for Russia…”

  • @Mzuark
    172 years ago

    I think it’s very telling that this isn’t front page news.

    • @mauveOkra
      2 years ago

      It seems a rather bad omen…

        • @mauveOkra
          42 years ago

          The entire US political class are embracing fascists

          • @Shrike502
            62 years ago

            I mean, those are the fascists they’ve brought to power in 2014. It’s a bit late to say they’re “embracing” it, no?

            • @mauveOkra
              2 years ago

              Before this Spring NYT and other newspapers ran articles about how Ukraine had a fascist problem. Not sure but I think there was some political pushback by some progressives too. You could say it was controlled opposition, and you’d probably be right. I just find it alarming how quickly it shifted from this to uniform and total support. If there was any real opposition from someone in power or in the media, then they’ve been forced to do a 180°. In my personal life it went from people not knowing what Ukraine was to fascist Ukraine flags everywere and if you don’t express bloodlust for Russians people get suspicious that you’re a Trumpist-Putinist. Of course Repubs have called out some of this but they’re just fucking fascists themselves. I think it’s an omen than the USA is dropping the neoliberal rules based orden democratic values façade and moving very quickly towards Nazi style fascism or something.