Hey people if you have based takes for me to read that’s the moment I wanna read your based takes (I love lemmygrad thank you for being based)

    31 year ago

    Any other books or resources recommended on the topic of monogamy/polyamory?

    Lately in my life i have been exploring of what relationships mean to me and am very curious the nature of things, I have “Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State” on my reading list, but would like to add more, and this seems like a topic you have put time into.

    Sorry if this isnt the place for it.

    • Muad'DibberA
      21 year ago

      The book I referenced above, Sex at dawn, is a great anthropological study of human sexuality for most of our history. I’d def start with modern scientific works like these.

      As far as more enlightened views of human sexual relationships, and those rejecting patriarchy and monogamy, a few writers: mary wollstonecraft, the utopian socialists like robert owen, Kollontai (make way for winged eros is a good starting point).

      • @CITRUS
        31 year ago

        Thanks dude! Just downloaded Sex at Dawn, and Ill look into those authors, or at least try to as my thought process is bonkers, lol

        • Muad'DibberA
          1 year ago

          No probs. Ya it’s understandably a touchy subject for a lot of ppl, but its our job to be as kollontai said: loving-comrades, and not act as owners over the sexual and romantic lives of our partners.