
Fascism is not far right it’s third positionist and it comes from Sorellian national syndicalism which is a form of socialism. Look more into fascisms origins amd not just what mainstream media and education portrays it as. Although fascism is nationalist, not all nationalism even ultra nationalism is nessesary fascist. The republican party is not fascist.

Why is he wrong?

He’s not. People need to understand that just because a country exhibits the phenomena of capital accumulation, the law of value, generalized commodity production, wage labor, and private ownership over the means of production, does NOT make it capitalist in any way, shape or form. Not even close. This is because capitalism is the most socialist ideology whereas socialism is the least socialist one. Right-wing leftists like Rodolfo Graziani understood this, which is why they were forced to invade Ethiopia and other communist monarchies: to protect capitalism from the forces of private property and free enterprise.