It’s always amusing to me when someone “independently rediscovers” the exact same things that Marx and Lenin had already figured out over a hundred years ago, give it a fancy name and then act like it’s some great new revelation. In summary: it turns out that geopolitical policy is driven by the financial and economic interests of the ruling class, and not simply by the rational self-interest of states as the “realists” like to believe. It’s almost as if imperialism is the result of a certain monopoly stage of capitalist development. If only someone had written a book about this. If only someone had explained to the “realists” that states are not mystical self-actualizing entities but instruments of class rule.

  • loathesome dongeaterA
    7 months ago

    I agree. Just want to also note that the article is a republishing of a tweet of a Twitter user. It’s not a product of b or whatever the author calls themselves.