Trying to improve my schedule.

VPS host purged my post from yesterday.

  • loathesome dongeaterOP
    62 years ago

    Seems kinda nuts to nothing between 5:30PM and breakfast the next day. But maybe the body gets used to it.

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      I think most people do eat something. Also, typical Dutch and Belgian food is not that healthy with lots of fats, too much meat and too little veggies, too much carbs etc. More than 50% of the people are overweight here. And when they snack, it’s often not that healthy, as I mentioned above.

      Not fat shaming anyone I hope, but the general population is getting fatter pretty fast over here. Targeting mostly poor people and migrants, as these things unfortunately mostly do.

      • loathesome dongeaterOP
        52 years ago

        I think food being mostly carbs would otherwise have been fine but these days most of the food is heavily processed so you end up with carbs with high glycemic index which is the bigger problem.