What’s your favorite nutritious snack for when you get hungry during the day?

I like corn related things. Over here they sell like dried corn things that look like nuts but are actually corn. A portion of that is not only tasty (as they are often covered in spices) but also fairly nutritious with some vitamins and proteins in them.

Would like to see what y’all eat when your muscles get a little bit nagging during the day.

  • DankZedong OPMA
    22 years ago

    For some reason I never enjoyed eating berries. Especially blueberries. It’s something about the texture I think. I have the same thing with grapes.

    But then again I have not tried even half of the berries you mentioned above. What’s your favorite?

    • @ComradeSalad
      22 years ago

      Hmm, the texture problem is understandable with berries, but in my experience it is usually because they are “industrial” berries that are mass produced in greenhouses and picked while unripe to maximize how long they will stay fresh in the store. If you were to find a nearby farm that grows berries and allows people to pick their own, or grow your own berries, the experience is usually significantly better. Plus you can be sure that they are ripe, and the price is much cheaper then if bought in a store.

      My favorite though would have to be kumquats or goji berries, though they are a bit rarer outside of year round warm areas. Kumquats are like mini fingertip sized oranges that have a thin citrus skin, with a very tender flesh inside. They have a very strong citrus aroma and when bitten will squirt out a juice that is very tart, but then rapidly becomes sweet.

      Goji on the other hand are a Chinese berry that is pretty hardy so it can be found if you look hard enough. They look exactly like cherry tomatoes, and have a sour juice similar to a sour cherry. However the flesh is very sweet and has a plum-like texture.