What’s your favorite nutritious snack for when you get hungry during the day?

I like corn related things. Over here they sell like dried corn things that look like nuts but are actually corn. A portion of that is not only tasty (as they are often covered in spices) but also fairly nutritious with some vitamins and proteins in them.

Would like to see what y’all eat when your muscles get a little bit nagging during the day.

  • @mauveOkra
    51 year ago

    Peanut butter sandwich and/or an apple. I like corn nuts as well, but they seem to sell them at quite a markup here, I kinda want to figure out how to make them. On the other hand I’m way too lazy for that.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      11 year ago

      I guess roasting corn is not that hard? I’m lucky that some Chinatown vendors here sell a lot of varieties of them for cheap.

  • @SpaceDogs
    51 year ago

    Just going to sneak in here and keep and eye out because I need ideas for healthy snacks. I eat anything but nutritious foods as a snack 😬

  • 10_0
    51 year ago

    Mixed nuts, unhealthy snack, and banana

    • DankZedong OPMA
      51 year ago

      Nuts are amazing too. And full of vitamins, which people often don’t know.

    • 10_0
      31 year ago

      Banana (good sugar), mixed nuts (good fats), unhealthy snack(saturated fats, and bad sugar)

  • @ComradeSalad
    41 year ago

    Berries, I absolutely love berries! Very healthy, plenty of variety, and easy to grow nearly anywhere with minimal resources.

    Blueberries, blackberries, kumquats, currants, raspberries, mulberries, cranberries, grapes, lingonberries, goji, so many more. I could eat them by the kilo if I wasn’t stopped, but they always get my hunger down as a quick snack. Plus they satiate my sweet tooth so I don’t turn to eating unhealthy cakes or sweets.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      21 year ago

      For some reason I never enjoyed eating berries. Especially blueberries. It’s something about the texture I think. I have the same thing with grapes.

      But then again I have not tried even half of the berries you mentioned above. What’s your favorite?

      • @ComradeSalad
        21 year ago

        Hmm, the texture problem is understandable with berries, but in my experience it is usually because they are “industrial” berries that are mass produced in greenhouses and picked while unripe to maximize how long they will stay fresh in the store. If you were to find a nearby farm that grows berries and allows people to pick their own, or grow your own berries, the experience is usually significantly better. Plus you can be sure that they are ripe, and the price is much cheaper then if bought in a store.

        My favorite though would have to be kumquats or goji berries, though they are a bit rarer outside of year round warm areas. Kumquats are like mini fingertip sized oranges that have a thin citrus skin, with a very tender flesh inside. They have a very strong citrus aroma and when bitten will squirt out a juice that is very tart, but then rapidly becomes sweet.

        Goji on the other hand are a Chinese berry that is pretty hardy so it can be found if you look hard enough. They look exactly like cherry tomatoes, and have a sour juice similar to a sour cherry. However the flesh is very sweet and has a plum-like texture.

    • Arsen6331 ☭
      11 year ago

      I love berries too, though I usually eat them with a piece of cheese because the salty and sweet combination is perfect.

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    1 year ago

    smoothie bowl topped off with granola. I mix in some low calorie ice cream, like 100 calories (crazy!) to give it a nice texture. Comes out to like…less then 300 calories total.

  • Arsen6331 ☭
    21 year ago

    Nuts, especially cashews and pistachios, with dried fruit.

  • @bobs_guns
    21 year ago

    berries and pumpkin seeds mixed into plain yogurt. firm tofu strips fried in coconut oil and salted with some boiled vegetable and a boiled egg on the side. natto with raw garlic thoroughly crushed in a mortar and pestle, soy sauce, mustard, mixed thoroughly. oat bran topped with green onion with garam masala and butter mixed in.

  • @TeezyZeezy
    21 year ago

    Banana, peanut butter, yogurt, kale smoothie :^)

  • @Kultronx
    11 year ago

    Popcorn without butter or salt. Basically no calories and a ton of fibre.

  • @201dberg
    11 year ago

    Well normally I am fasting during the day so snacks aren’t really a thing I eat often. At the ends of my fasting period though I sometimes start out with “snackish” foods. I make these peanut butter balls out of… Peanut butter (home made) then mix with a little extra coconut oil and then some flavored protein powder. So far the best has been banana flavored. Those two flavors work super well with each other. Chocolate is good too but can’t get close to banana. Then there is always peanut butter flavored. The protein powder helps thicken it up and also adds more protein. Getting enough protein in my diet when I’m doing lifting is a challenge. Even though I don’t practice a non-meat eating diet. I do try to reduce meat intake though with stuff like this.

    Other “snackish” things I’ll eat are stuff like hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and plain Greek yogurt. Also beans. So many beans. Can be with or without seasoning. I really like those crunchy fried chickpea snack things but all those things are always fried in some heavily refined seed oils which kind of takes away the “healthy” aspect of them. Trying to look into making my own. I don’t really snack on anything without a significant amount of protein. I try not to use protein powder straight up either. I’ll add it to stuff to act as a high protein ingredient but usually try to avoid having to make a shake from it to meet my protein needs.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      31 year ago

      What’s the reason for the fasting?

      You can roast chickpeas in the oven. Throw some herbs and spices on them and you have a high protein portion of chips basically. Add a little bit of dipping sauce if you want to.

      I do use shakes from time to time but I make sure that my protein intake is coming from my food. The shakes are just extra.

      • @201dberg
        31 year ago

        I do it for a number of reasons. Mainly because it makes it easier to keep my weight in check. I have really bad self control I’m regards to food when I’m not fasting. After years of trying to get it in check I found out the easiest course was to just fast instead of trying for constant portion controls. I will say though. It’s not an automatic “I will loose weight on intermittent fasting.” It’s possible to maintain your weight and also gain weight doing IF. Especially if you are intaking a ton of carbs, especially refined carbs.

        Other reasons are a family history of diabetes and daily fasting has benefits to resetting and reducing insulin resistance. When I started doing the intermittent fasting my blood glucose levels went from prediabetic levels to perfectly healthy, normal levels in the span of about a month.

        There’s also research that shows being in a fasted state releases growth hormones that help the body retain lean muscle mass and that when you work out in this state it can help heal faster when you then eat afterwards. So I try to do my lifting and such right before I break the fast for the day.

        Also it’s just more convenient. I don’t get hungry in the middle of the day. I can focused on my tasks better. I’m not constantly thinking about food or what I’m going to make. I don’t have to bother with a bunch of meals and snacks. It’s weird because, when I’m not fasting, I feel like shit. Like not actually bed but I just feel sluggish and gross if I eat during the day. Also I go #2 way less often. Like once or twice every morning then I’m empty the rest of the day. Lmao

  • @Binkie55
    1 year ago

    idk strawberries or bananas lately i havnt been eating healthy really i have just been eating fast food