• @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Yes it’s capitalism. Note how capitalism literally created the nuclear family because it needed its workforce to be fully ready and available to every whim of the market. Capitalist media also present people not wanting to move from their town as losers, and i can’t even count the moments i was given some real disdain in words and body language during searching for work when i didn’t wanted to commute very far. Nothing really changed since Cato the Elder, we are fully expect to be slaves for the scrap of a wage. Continuing about the family, it progress still. Nuclear family is the smallest social cell, but it is still too big and too anchored for capitalism to realise their aims. Recently there is the trend of “you will own nothing and you will be happy” - micro houses, capsules, bunk beds, etc pushed in the media and it is glaringly obvious what the purpose is, it is to normalize living as disposable labour soldier, to create an army of labour, but “army” in the most literal sense, a cheap, ready for anything workforce with no expectations - basically slaves. And in such conditions, it is impossible to not only to have a new family but also to keep in touch with your already existing one.