Unfortunately it didn’t spawn Marx or Engels :( I think I triggered it too late. Or just unlucky.

  • Average PFLP Enjoyer
    51 year ago

    Is it bad that I’d consider myself a pretty well-read Marxist yet never bothered with the Manifesto? If I’ve read Kapital v123 and his other works I never really saw the point in going back to it. My introduction to Marx was Wage Labour and Capital

    • SovereignState
      51 year ago

      Manifesto is sort of a historically specific pamphlet anyway, some good stuff can be gleamed from it as with the majority of Marx’s works but unless you’re a wage laborer in 1848 western Europe it’s not really all that worthwhile.

    • @ComradeSalad
      41 year ago

      Honestly the Manifesto draws its power from being a monumentally important historical document. Like Sovereign said, there are a few notable points, but nothing incredibly remarkable that can’t be picked up from Marx’s other works, as the Manifesto itself was written for simplicity to tailor to the oppressed and uneducated masses of 19th century Europe.

      For a bit of a better baseline, I would say that Engel’s “Principals of Communism” covers Marx’s main points bit better then the original Manifesto.