• ☭ Blursty ☭
    11 months ago

    By voting you are personally endorsing the actions taken by them. You are not required to take part, you are choosing to support them.

    And if the choice is trump vs someone I would strongly consider the someone

    You think it’s not possible to get someone worse than Trump?

    the way he galvanizes American people behind fascism and violence towards anything and anyone that stands in their way and how hard he makes for any reasonable debate to be had,

    Have you looked at the news recently? Do you think you don’t have fascism today? Reasonable debate? I just watched that removed continue to justify an ongoing genocide by describing 40 beheaded babies a month after that story was thoroughly debunked and retracted, and you’re thinking “This is how we avoid tyranny. This guy right here.”?

    so yeah I would vote against trump

    You don’t get to vote against anyone, you only get to vote for someone.

    vote steer the ship to the least menacing rocks.

    I love how this analogy just places the blame on some natural unthinking phenomenon like a storm, rather than a conniving cabal of imperialist capitalists bent on amassing power by making fools like you engage with their corrupt systems.

    Lenin had a clear strategy, you do not, all you have is a heartless shrug at the millions that will be killed by whichever stooge gets to be figurehead. Your responsibility is to overthrow this crooked system, not make excuses and pretend you’ve no other choice.

    • comrade-bear
      11 months ago

      No not necessarily, the reason you vote speaks volumes, voting might mean I think the other side is worse, since there isn’t an alternative(outcome to the election ), not voting is letting other people decide.

      When you talk about someone worse than trump sure if the other side is worse pkease by all means vote trump, if the other side would be more damaging I would, expressed why I am scared of trump and I don’t have the full picture but if you have a clearer vision go ahead.

      And please don’t make assumptions about what I said and distort it, you are nischaracterizing my argument, yes the “storm” I talk about is bourgeois democracy that is a construct of the opressing class for decades if not centuries, and WHAT THE FUCK did you think I ment by the solution lies elsewhere, the solution lies in the revolution aka the strategy Lenin posed, but in the meantime voting the less worse while working towards the revolution are in no way mutually exclusive, jeez man in on your side you might disagree with me but no need to get nasty about it.

      • ☭ Blursty ☭
        11 months ago

        The system doesn’t care about the reason you held in your heart while you endorsed and supported genocide. It only tallies the choices of you and others who excuse, enable and support America’s atrocities.

        When you talk about someone worse than trump sure

        Okay so you’re no longer giving carte blanche to absolutely anyone but Trump. But let’s stop here and ask what you mean by “worse”. Is it something that’s worse only for the rights of a subset of American citizens? Or worse for the millions of innocents killed by the USA abroad? Because already Biden’s been worse on that count. Sure you could argue that Trump might have been worse, but we only get this timeline. What is worse to you? How do you quantify that? “Damaging” to what exactly?

        And please don’t make assumptions about what I said and distort it

        There’s no assumption. You want to legitimise the USA’s corrupt politics by taking part in its fraudulent “democracy” charade. You’re a willing hostage to this phony theatre.

        but no need to get nasty about it.

        I’m talking to someone who’s open about their tacit support for genocide and many other atrocities. I don’t apologise for my tone.

        • comrade-bear
          11 months ago

          But don’t matter what the system thinks either, if the other side would do worse what is the harm?

          I want to legitimize nothing, it’s just a material truth, one of those fuckers will have the seat, and what is worse is up for debate, and it’s important to define, but if you arrive to a conclusion by whatever means you have that one will be worse than the other, it’s worthwhile to prevent that person to hold office, even if the other will be quite bad, but I don’t mean that it’s a fair system, but it’s the actual system, it must be broken and changed, but while it is not, it has impact and it will arrive into a conclusion, and we can choose to influence it or not, and in my eyes not influencing it is giving away a tool to at least mitigate some damage, if it small even if it is not that impactful, I think some damage can be mitigated by voting, even if you, as I do as well, think that the whole thing is a farce and needs to be uprooted, the fact of the matter is that it wasn’t uprooted yet and one of the two jerks their respective parties would choose will end up on top, and we can either look at it with crossed arms or help nudge to one side, that shouldn’t mean we like that person, or the we enjoyed voting for them, but it means we had a stupid choice forced upon us and if we say nothing, other people, some of which are taken by crazy senseless narratives will choose it for us, and I rather be a part of the decision. I say that being a Brazilian and trust me my country suffered horribly by the hands of US colonialism, and still if any American is reading this and you sincerely ponder about it and arrive in a conclusion of some that will be less damaging for the world, go ahead vote for them, this vote shouldn’t mean anything, whomever wins will talk about numbers and shit, if were the other would say the same fucking thing, the important part as I said since my very first comment, is no matter the outcome it is not a win, since this system can produce no wins, but it might be a worthwhile effort to make the defeat a little smaller it might be the case. And if you look at what I said, I’m not absolutely certain of anything, I’m saying everything in terms of it seems and based on this and that, because it’s a very complex issue, and I know that I can be wrong in lots, but I think that leaving a decision that WILL BE TAKEN no matter what we say about to other people to choose, seems to not be the best course of action, but if it’s impossible to decide which one will be the worse, then be it, but if that can be asserted with any degree of certainty, it might be a good thing to prevent that one to get there, and that is my focus, preventing the worse to get that, I see those votes a vote against someone no pro any other, because if there were another way to prevent one of the sides(or both for that matter) to get there(and kinda is but unclear if it will come to be before the next election takes place) it would be best, but while that is not the reality I think the options should be considered.

          • ☭ Blursty ☭
            11 months ago

            From what I can glean out of the wall of text, it’s some rambling incoherent collection of excuses.

            I’m just hearing the exact same support for fascism that led to Biden. The people who voted for him have blood on their hands. You don’t have to join them.

            • comrade-bear
              11 months ago

              I would really like you to read it, I don’t think it’s incoherent nor do I think you should vote against trump or for him, I just think that voting can be worth it, and any choice can have unforeseen, and if you want to hear something, I’m Brazilian, and influenced by trump(being a big admirer and supported of the fellow) our president Bolsonaro, caused around 400 thousand lives to be lost because he refused the vaccine in the footsteps of his leader, and yeah I wished for Biden to have won the election, because Trump was part of a crazy ideological group that helped my country to loose many lives on the covid pandemic. So it’s never cut and dry, things are never easy so there is things to think about. And it’s not because I wished biden to win that I am happy about his actions right now, and it shows me that there are more to be taken into consideration, still I think that voting can have some impact in mitigating damages.