The idea that the Palestinian people have only been able to persist because of their religion is ridiculous to me. They are resisting because colonialism, apartheid and genocide are very bad things to which nobody would want to be subjected, not because of Islam. If Palestinians were atheists, is he suggesting that they wouldn’t have the strength or the will to resist? Would their lack of a belief in the supernatural turn them into doormats for Isn’treal?

I like Hakim’s content, but his position on religion is quite frustrating. He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second. Also, Joram van Klaveren is still a right-winger.

  • ComradeSalad
    11 months ago

    On top of everything that everyone in this thread has already mentioned, this is extremely insulting and reductive even on the basis of religion.

    Imagine blatantly ignoring the lives and sufferings of Christian, Jewish, Samaritanist, and Atheist Palestinians who also live and die under the same oppression and terror that their Muslim brothers do. I guess they aren’t important enough to include in this analysis? How do they survive? Chalking up the survival of a people entirely to religion, while simultaneously ignoring other faiths is completely absurd.

    Also, religious faith is the basis of survival of a subjugated people? Really? Ask the Jews during the Holocaust how that went for them, and why if the faith worked so well for them that millions of the survivors left Judaism in disillusionment and disgust.

    I expected better from Hakim.

    My conclusion regarding the Deprogram cast is one of three theories:

    1. Deprogram/ their channels became to potentially influential and the state apparatus has threatened them into playing along.

    2. They’ve sold out to get that sweet sweet patreon and merch money from liberals and less principled Marxists.

    3. They let the “power” get to their head and they know think that they’re the second coming of Lenin, Stalin, Marx, and Mao.

    • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
      11 months ago

      I think your issue is that you lack an understanding of Islam and just lumped it in with other religions (your judaism comment), yeah it is idealistic and spiritual and the belief of a god who controls everything contradicts materialist dialect, but it’s not the only thing in Islam, it is not only worship and beliefs, there are also guides in it, Islam doesn’t say “pray and the enemy will die” it calls for fighting against the oppressor which is what Hamas uses to call Palestinians to fight, it’s not far to say that someone who believes that if he dies fighting he will live a better life will fight more aggressively than a person who fights and believes that if he survives after this he might live a better life. You also have to consider the importance of mosques since it’s a building that people of the area gather into to hear a speech weekly and has a minaret that can be used to blast propaganda which helps spread the message faster, Islam is the majority’s religion in Palestine most groups that are in Palestine are Muslim or have a Muslim majority in them, even the PFLP has sheikhs in it, I don’t know enough about christianity or other religions or much about them in Palestine, but I know that a large number of Druze in Palestine are in the IDF and occupation polices forces, both Druze and Islam are religions but the action of their believers are different.

      Hakim’s post was for learning about Islam, to understand the beliefs of the main revolutionary group in Gaza, because hamas aren’t marxist or anything that most of his viewers are familiar with, he’s not telling his viewers to convert to it. Hakim is a Muslim Iraqi creator and has for most of his career not talked much about his religion, this is one of the only times he has mentioned it.

    • Annakah69 [she/her]
      11 months ago

      This seems bad faith. Hakim isn’t “blatantly ignoring” the suffering of non-muslims. Chill out or go away.

      • ComradeSalad
        11 months ago

        Most likely in my mind. The first one is more for fun.

        They have an extremely popular podcast. One has a dead end office job, another has a young child, and the third is an overworked public servant. Of course they would cash in the first chance they get the carrot dangled in front of them. Plus with Patreon going downhill fast, it makes sense to cash in while they can.

        • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
          11 months ago

          I think it’s more of the show having to be uploaded on a weekly basis on heavily censored platforms like YouTube they are limited, and they start running out of topics, content and guests to talk to, so they just push out less stuff, it’s not a big conspiracy, it’s just the limits of having to work in capitalism.

          • ComradeSalad
            11 months ago

            That doesn’t excuse it in the slightest.

            “Cost of doing business in capitalism”, isn’t a justification to start putting out shovelware garbage that’s muddying the waters of what they wanted to accomplish in the first place.

            Other podcasts have worked in these limits before. If they could do it, so can the Deprogram.

            I never said it was a conspiracy. They’re just selling out.