I heard in an analysis by Pepe Escobar (in Portuguese) that Nazisrael is destroying Gaza’s North and removing Palestinians from there because of the fossil fuel resources that exist there. As I understood, supposedly they want to divide Gaza on a line that coincides exactly with the southern border of a gas reserve found in Gaza (not sure if he said gas or oil). Nazisrael would export this gas to Europe, supporting Warmerican plan to have a response to China’s BRI which would include Nazisrael, the “Middle East”, Europe and India.

Edit: what I wrote suggests that they are doing this only for the gas reserves. But that was not my intention; while I was writting I forgot to make some changes. To be more accurate, the hypothesis is that Israel decided to run the operation and chose to prioritize the occupation of the Gaza’s North having as one of the main motivations the gas reserve. Also, as you pointed out, it’s off the coast, so “line that coincides exactly with the southern border” is also not very accurate.

  • LVL
    8 months ago

    Richard Medhurst talked about this before and recently. I tried to find the original video I saw but could only find his newer one talking about it here. But yes, while Israel would wipe Gaza off the map just for the land, they also want the natural gas off the coast of Gaza so they can build their pipeline to Europe.

    • Blursty
      8 months ago

      Yeah it’s just a bonus, they’re not doing this because of the resources.