Hello, baby Marxist here!

Personally mine was reading.

When I was a liberal I loathed reading and found it hard to even read a short article. I rarely researched everything I heard, and as a teenager, I was like every other liberal, getting my news off social media.

Now I make sure to research everything, however, getting into theory is a bit hard. Most of the information I learned about communism was through fellow comrades, because like before, I got my information from other people’s comments.

Currently I’m restoring my motivation for reading by starting small. Reading long comments from comrades helped a lot. I’ve now moved on to reading information from leftist sources without effort, and I’m starting on reading the communist manifesto.

Enough about me, what were your side effects?

  • @Arachno_Stalinist
    192 years ago

    When I was a liberal, I simped for Amerikkka and refused to learn my own country’s language (I am Filipino) and as a result I struggle in speaking Tagalog. (Though nowadays I can read and understand it mostly. My problem’s mostly in pronunciation & sometimes grammar)

    An unfortunate amount of people in this country (especially Liberals) seem to worship the countries that colonized us for some reason.

    • MexicanCCPBot
      82 years ago

      As a Mexican I can’t believe the amount of people here who want to desperately find Jewish ancestry so they can claim Spanish citizenship and move there. And become Spanish. The ones who put us through slavery and stole all our resources and refuse to apologize to this day for the colonial terror and plunder. Also the ones who still control several key industries in here thanks to neoliberal imperialism.

      Thankfully there are very few US simps, they exist but they’re a particular kind of ignorant.

      • IngrownMink4☭
        52 years ago

        The ones who put us through slavery and stole all our resources and refuse to apologize to this day for the colonial terror and plunder. Also the ones who still control several key industries in here thanks to neoliberal imperialism.

        And on top of that, the PSOE (my country’s party) refused to apologize for its colonial past, right?

        • MexicanCCPBot
          52 years ago

          I don’t know if PSOE specifically did that, but the ruling government did when our president asked them. Pretty chauvinist if PSOE did that, I thought they were ML.

          • IngrownMink4☭
            82 years ago

            If the president who asked for it was AMLO, then yes, it was the PSOE who refused to retract. And no, the PSOE is not ML, it’s not even considered social democratic lol. It’s a socioliberal party, and inspired by the US Democratic party.

            • MexicanCCPBot
              52 years ago

              Oh, that’s awful. I just read a little about them, seems like it’s a thing that happened to all Second International/Socialist International parties, slowly becoming the most lukewarm of reformists over a century.

    • @SunshinerOP
      72 years ago

      I’m African American, a Nigerian descent. I’m planning on learning the Nigerian languages to connect more to my roots. It’s such a shame colonizers erased our history and tried to whitewash us completely. Luckily there’s the internet that can help us get back on track. I never knew the Nigerian languages until I looked them up.