Seeing wealthy ppl joke about not being able to do laundry or get themselves a glass of water, is so gross to me.

For the love of Stalin these ppl need to be put in gulags / re-education centers asap.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    I had a thing with a royal once (daughter of an earl I think it was, I have no clue how that shit works nor do I care) for a very short time but got to a mansion once. Even for these lower royalty there were servants. Proper weird people.

    These people are forced to do everything you want which just creeped me out. Want drinks? Stay where you are, they got it. Food? Same. Clothing? Same. A drive? Here’s the chauffeur.

    Like, be useful and do something yourself. Even the girl was weird and had some sort of normal people fetish it seemed.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      132 years ago

      I’m getting the images of when partisans captured the winter palace.

      Same vibe?

      • DankZedong A
        52 years ago

        Lmao yes. Just staring in disbelief.